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The 50+ Best Movies Based On Video Games

페이지 정보

작성자 Solomon
댓글 0건 조회 315회 작성일 24-04-09 05:36


The most effective video video games of all-time may not necessarily turn into nice films, Runner Runner however that hasn't stopped Hollywood from attempting. This is a list of movies based on, or adapted from, video games. If there are any which were missed, please feel free to add them. This will not embrace movies about video video games, resembling Wreck-It Ralph - there is a separate checklist of such movies over here - however solely feature movies based mostly on current video sport properties.

Most of these video sport films are rooted in sci-fi, fantasy, action, and/or horror, however video recreation adaptations can come in all style shapes and genre sizes.

Of course, video game adaptations have a not-so-nice popularity, and there's little doubt there have been some dangerous motion pictures over time. But some have managed to defy the percentages; some may be on Team Silent Hill, others are extra Mortal Kombat folks. Some suppose the Resident Evil motion pictures are low-key horror classics, while others may choose the comedic stylings of Detective Pikachu. Whether you are a severe gamer or a gaming novice, it'll be as much as you to resolve which of these films is value a watch. Remember to vote up your favorites.


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