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Bicycle Scarlett Playing Cards by Kings Wild Project Inc

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작성자 Salvatore
댓글 0건 조회 177회 작성일 23-08-21 23:13


Toys › Games & Accessories › Card Games › Standard Playing Card Decks

Purchase options and add-ons

This card game is the perfect choice for a variety of card games, including poker, pinochle, euchre, bridge, hearts, solitaire, blackjack, gin rummy, baccarat, canasta or other card games you play Whether you are King of Poker Night, a wizard who does some fancy tricks or just enjoy spending time with Blackjack, Bridge, Cribbage or other card games with your friends, a solid set of playing cards at hand is essential. Difficulty level: no knowledge required Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.

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Product information

The Kings Wild Scarlett bikes are a beautiful deck for any table game with friends and family. The playing cards are printed by The United States Playing Card Company on crushed Casino Bee Stick and traditionally cut. They have an air-cushioned surface for exceptional handling and play. The case is beautifully pressed by Clove St. Press. The Bicycle Scarlett luxury playing cards are dedicated to my second daughter Scarlet. Your birthday can be found in the bottom inside of the case.


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