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Hot Air Balloon Rides With Bailey Balloons

페이지 정보

작성자 Nick
댓글 0건 조회 12회 작성일 23-11-01 15:58


After more than 27 years providing passenger scorching air balloon rides in the South West, Clive and Jo Bailey have chosen to retire and hand over the operation of flights with Bailey Balloons to the highly revered fellow Bristol balloon company, Virgin Balloon Flights. Vouchers bought on-line by way of Virgin Balloon Flights can be found with instant, balloon казино играть free electronic mail delivery.

Before retirement, Clive and Jo of Bailey Balloons are celebrated over 27 years as a household run enterprise.

Virgin Balloon Flights continues to offer the identical high commonplace of service, including:

- Super Balloon flights from an extended established household run company- You possibly can view our availability before you book, see Flight Availability. Please call us should you are looking to fly on a specific date that's not displaying- Competitive Prices- Highly Experienced Pilots- Friendly Crew and Staff- Online booking- Members of the Commercial Balloon Operators and British Balloon & Airship Club- Members of Balloons over Britain- We function balloons from Bristol, Bath and South Wales every day within the flying season, making it easy so that you can schedule your flight

Virgin will proceed to supply the identical unforgettable balloon rides, with the very best security report and keenness for ballooning.

Do you know, Clive Bailey flew Sir David Attenborough at high altitude over the Swiss Alps to film the introduction to the BBC sequence, Planet Earth II. Watch the making of it right here!


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